To support its growth in France and abroad, Mapwize is looking to bolster its development team by recruiting the following profiles:... For quite some time, Ecole Polytechnique had wanted to set up a wayfinding solution to improve the campus experience for visitors, students, prospective students, and staff by making it easier for them to find their way around.... We are strengthening and expanding our team to fuel our growth in France and abroad. Mapwize is now deployed in the Montpellier Business School campus! Permettre à vos étudiants et visiteurs de se repérer, s'orienter et se déplacer aisément dans votre établissement, un défi que vous pouvez désormais relever sereinement grâce au partenariat qu'AppScho a établi avec Mapwize, une société spécialisée dans la cartographie d'intérieur des bâtiments ! Moffi helps building managers to easily manage their workspaces and better understand how they are really used.... Mapwize is now available in Emlyon Business School campus in Ecully! Points of interest and dynamic information can be added to those maps. En décembre dernier, Mapwize remportait la 3 ème place du concours Cisco City'Zen Bots Hackathon. The Sorbonne deploys Mapwize on their campus for the 2019/2020 academic year thanks to the department in charge of digital infrastructures and innovation (SIRIS).... Mapwize will exhibit at IFMA, The Leading Facility Management Event in the US, with its partner Proxyclick. A seulement 20km au sud de Paris, sur un site de près de 160 hectares, l'École polytechnique bénéficie de plusieurs accès. Users can view those interactive maps in real-time and search for points of interest and the shortest route . Over the last year, we have been extending our line of products around location analytics. In the course of that visit, Cisco organized a meeting with a handful of startups to discuss innovation within the great startup campus, Station F, Paris.... Klepierre has selected Mapwize in association with Pole Star to provide a mapping and geolocation solution for two of the brand’s malls.... Mapwize will exhibit at Web Summit 2017, from November 6th to 9th at Altice Arena, Lisbon. The second annual Viva Technology event was recently held in Paris, welcoming more than 70,000 visitors. École Polytechnique, is a founding member of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, Bioengineering, Biology and Health Sciences, Concepts and Methods for a Digital Society, Modeling and Optimization of Complex Systems, Markets, Innovation and Science-Society Relations, Nanoscience, Innovative Materials and Efficient Processes, Develop a Research Partnership with École polytechnique, Office of Research Partnerships and Intellectual Property, The Gaspard Monge Visiting professors program, Innovative economy and responsible management, Chairs in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, Student Council, Event-Planning, and Recreational Clubs, Religious, International, and Regional Clubs, Charitable, Scientific, and Artistic Clubs, Master's and Doctoral Student Associations, X Campus, l'application mobile pour s'orienter à Polytechnique. The interactive map, directly embedded into the official event app, indicated the exact location of thousands of exhibitors, stages, and catering stands.... A recent study by Wavestone shows Mapwize in the radar of French Smart Building startups in the building management and space optimization category.... Mapwize is excited to partner up with HqO, the end-to-end operating system for commercial office buildings. Morel/Mapwize) Indeed, off the 165 companies showcasing at the official media preview event, about 30% (45 to be exact) were part of the La French Tech, the rallying brand for all those working in . Que la réalité virtuelle devient de plus en plus une réalité concrète . Découvrez toutes les informations sur le produit : logiciel de cartographie UNIVERSITY de la société Mapwize. Une start-up lilloise « MapWize » a développé une application pour Smartphones basée sur un plan 2D de bâtiment et . Light Reading is for communications industry professionals who are developing and commercializing services and networks using technologies, standards and devices such as 4G, smartphones, SDN . According to the latest research from Jefferies, Azure's estimated market share in the cloud services market in 2020 will be 31%, up from 26% from 2018. Nicolas a 1 poste sur son profil. Ecole Polytechnique & Mapwize. For the past 30 years, Moneyline has developed digital solutions for physical locations in order to improve the customer journey.... From June 10th to June 14th, Mapwize was in Florida for Cisco Live US, Cisco’s annual customer and partner conference. The client list includes some thirty different companies, including BNP-Paribas, Klepierre, SNCF, Ecole Polytechnique, as well as two large American accounts. Fonctionnalités : - Guidage à travers le campus et les bâtiments de l'X avec Mapwize, - Possibilité d'afficher les chemins accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite, - Inf… ServiceNow acquiert la solution de cartographie d'intérieur française Mapwize. Mapwize mapping and wayfinding solution is embedded within Nomosense’s solutions to offer a wider range of digital services to their customers.... Mapwize is now available in Wilfrid Laurier University campus in Waterloo, Canada! Our mapping platform combined Cisco CMX location service along with the latest Microsoft Azure real-time data processing technologies to provide the most effective service.... As part of the renovation and modernization of the “Palais de la Bourse” building, Lille’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry assigned the mapping of this emblematic structure to Mapwize.... Mapwize v3, our brand-new App, is now available on both Android and iOS stores! Ils sont chargés d'accueillir, de renseigner et d'orienter les visiteurs. At the great finale in Disneyland Paris, our VP Customer Success Siham Taha successfully pitched in front of a jury of top innovators and global corporate giants to win the contest.... Don’t miss the two April stopovers of Mapwize World Tour! The reception service The reception service of École Polytechnique is located in the hall of the building n.69, accessible from Cour Ferrié. Alors, comme tant d’autres, Anna Wiener, vingt-cinq ans, quitte un emploi frustrant dans l’édition new-yorkaise et s’envole pour San Francisco et ses start-up spécialisées dans le Big Data. The quality of our App interfaces is regularly praised by customers. However, there are use cases where accessing the map is so critical that one cannot rely on an Internet connection: crowded events, basements, boats, or military areas.... After months of testing, our new AutoCAD import solution is now available for all Mapwize customers. Bénédicte Guichard et Samy Kara Mosly accueillent les visiteurs les jours ouvrés de 8h à 18h et sont joignables au 01 69 33 36 36. On October 4th at 4pm Mathieu Gerard, co-founder and CTO of Mapwize, will present a session with Benjamin Talmard, CTO in residence at Station F.... Mapwize, the mapping and wayfinding platform for buildings, has finalized their 1.2 million euros fundraising. . Our CTO, Mathieu Gerard, was invited on stage for a DevNet conference held by Darryl Sladden, Senior Product Manager at Cisco Systems.... From May 29th to 31st, Mapwize was in Paris for the Health-IT Exhibition, France’s leading trade show for health care innovation systems.... After a successful test phase in two French malls in 2017, Mapwize has spread out its indoor mapping solution over all Klepierre shopping centers in Europe.... Viva Technology, one of the largest tech events in Europe, took place in Paris from May 24th to 26th. By combining Mapwize’s mapping technology with AppScho mobile solution for higher education institutions, universities can now improve their brand image and the everyday life of students, staff and visitors coming for events or conferences.... Mapwize is showcasing at Integrated Systems Europe 2020, the world’s largest exhibition for AV professionals and systems integrators which will take place at Amsterdam RAI from February 11th until February 14th.... CES 2020 is fast approaching and Mapwize is headed to Vegas once again! The company said it has replaced outdated portals with a cloud-based platform. etude sur les ruines romaines de Tigzirt / par Pierre Gavault; [edite par Stefane Gsell]Date de l'edition originale: 1897Collection: Bibliotheque d'archeologie africaine; fasc. 2Ce livre est la reproduction fidele d'une oeuvre publiee avant ... Mapwize is an indoor mapping software platform: it is the perfect extension to traditional outdoor maps (like "Google Maps" for example). Se présenter muni(e) d'une pièce d'identité à l'heure indiquée sur votre . J'ai rêvé de lui. Mapwize and AppScho unveil partnership to provide best-in-class application for modern university campuses. Pour tout renseignement : auditeurs . In May, Mapwize World Tour is coming to three new destinations! With Mapwize, you can visualize interior building . At just 20km south of Paris, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris Palaiseau campus is located on the outskirts of Paris, close to Massy-Palaiseau. En savoir plus. Tell us about your needs and we will contact you shortly. The integration of these two platforms allows event organizers and convention centers to provide their visitors with a unique navigation experience, delivered through the official mobile app.... Mapwize is introducing a brand new feature to fit its customers' needs: a complete direction engine for all transportation modes within complex venues and campuses.... Mapwize announces a new collaboration with Grip. Copyright 2021 - Mapwize is a registered trademark of Contexeo SAS - All rights reserved, ServiceNow to Acquire Indoor Mapping Disruptor Mapwize to Make Hybrid Work for Everyone. Previously held in New Orleans, this fast-growing tech conference organized by the Web Summit team is moving to Toronto for the 2019 edition, from May 20th to 23rd.... On May 22nd and 23rd, Mapwize will be at Cloud Expo Asia Hong Kong, the largest dedicated Cloud event for businesses.... Over the last months was held the 4th edition of the “Ticket to America” competition organized by AmCham France. Spiceworks is a manual network mapping tool that allows you to view an interactive network diagram of how your devices work together and relate to each other. L'application X Campus de l'École polytechnique facilite la vie des visiteurs sur le campus : elle est disponible sous Android ou IOS et offre un guidage à travers le campus avec Mapwize (système de guidage s'appuyant sur des étiquettes dotées d'un code QR). Their centralized platform can manage all customer-facing technology tools within their buildings, as well as enhance the overall tenant experience.... We are pleased to introduce our brand new Place Details feature. Notre objectif pour 2020 est de diriger et de concentrer les ressources de la Fondation Norbert et Denise Ségard vers la promotion et le soutien des Etudiants, Entrepreneurs, Innovants et Ethiques, de la Région Hauts de France.. La Fondation est désormais abritée et sous l'égide de la Fondation de la Catho de Lille. Im Profil von Christophe Fourgeaud sind 3 Jobs angegeben. L'application X Campus, disponible sous Android ou IOS, regroupe en une même interface : >le guidage à travers le campus et les bâtiments de l'X avec Mapwize (système de guidage s'appuyant sur des étiquettes dotées d'un code QR)>la possibilité d'afficher les chemins accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite>l'information sur la vie de l'X, ses conférences, ses événements>l'information pratique sur les horaires des bus et du RER B en temps réel>l'information sur le menu du jour au restaurant de l'X, le Magnan.

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