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Majority of the population are Eastern Orthodox Christian. Country Name of animal Scientific name (Latin name) Pictures Ref. Inhabits wetlands and woodlands worldwide! Snow Leopard (Afghanistan)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Red Deer (Åland Islands)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Golden Eagle (Albania)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Fennec Fox (Algeria)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Sable Antelope (Angola)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Zenaida Dove (Anguilla)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Fallow Deer (Antigua and Barbuda)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Rufous Hornero (Argentina)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Kangaroo (Australia)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Black Eagle (Austria)IUCN Status:Least Concern, Karabakh Horse (Azerbaijan)IUCN Status: NA, Blue Marlin and Flamingo (Bahamas)IUCN Status: Vulnerable and NA, White Cheeked Bulbul (Bahrain) IUCN Status: Least Concern, Royal Bengal Tiger (Bangladesh)IUCN Status: Endangered, European Bison (Belarus) IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Baird’s Tapir (Belize)IUCN Status: Endangered, Humpback Whale (Bermuda)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Takin and Druk (Bhutan) IUCN Status: Vulnerable and Mythological Creature, Beaver (Canada) IUCN Status: Critically Endangered, Giant Panda (China)IUCN Status: Endangered, Andean Condor (Colombia)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Okapi (Democratic Republic of Congo)IUCN Status: Endangered, White-tailed Deer (Costa Rica)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Cuban Tocororo (Cuba)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Cypriot Mouflon (Cyprus)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Mute Swan (Denmark)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Palmchat (Dominican Republic)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Crocodile (Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste)IUCN Status: NA, Andean Condor (Ecuador)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Golden Eagle (Egypt)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Turquoise-browed Motmot (El Salvador)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Barn Swallow (Estonia)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Eurasian Oystercatcher (Faroe Islands)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Brown Bear (Finland)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Golden Eagle (Germany)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Gibraltar Barbary Macaque (Gibraltar)IUCN Status: NA, Polar Bear (Greenland)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Jaguar (Guyana)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Hispaniolan Trogon (Haiti)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, White-tailed Deer (Honduras)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Gyrfalcon (Iceland)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Royal Bengal Tiger (India)IUCN Status: Endangered, Komodo Dragon (Indonesia)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Persian Leopard, Asiatic Lion, Persian Fallow Deer, Persian Cat, Mugger Crocodile, and Asiatic Cheetah (Iran)IUCN Status: Endangered, Endangered, Endangered, NA, Vulnerable, and Critically Endangered, Red Deer (Ireland)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Israeli Gazelle (Israel)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Italian Wolf (Italy)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Red-billed Streamertail (Jamaica)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Raccoon Dog (Japan)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Arabian Oryx (Jordan)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Magnificent Frigatebird (Kiribati)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Indian Elephant (Laos)IUCN Status: Endangered, Striped Hyena (Lebanon)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Black Rhinoceros (Lesotho)IUCN Status: Critically Endangered, Barbary Lion (Libya)IUCN Status: Extinct in the Wild, White Stork (Lithuania)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Ring-tailed Lemur (Madagascar)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Thomson’s Gazelle (Malawi)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Malayan Tiger (Malaysia)IUCN Status: Endangered, Yellow-fin Tuna (Maldives)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Golden Eagle (Mexico)IUCN Status: Least Concern, European Rabbit, Wood Mouse and European Hedgehog (Monaco)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Least Concern, and Least Concern, African Elephant (Ivory Coast)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Saker Falcon (Mongolia)IUCN Status: Endangered, Barbary Lion (Morocco)IUCN Status: Extinct, African Elephant (Mozambique)IUCN Status: NA, Great Frigatebird (Nauru)IUCN: Least Concern, Lion (Netherlands)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Kagu (New Caledonia)IUCN status: Endangered, Kiwi (New Zealand)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Turquoise-browed Motmot (Nicaragua)IUCN Status: NA, Chollima (North Korea)Mythological Creature, Markhor (Pakistan)IUCN Status: Endangered, Palestine Sunbird (Palestine)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Harpy Eagle (Panama)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Dugong (Papua New Guinea)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Pampas fox (Paraguay)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Carabao (Philippines)IUCN Status: Least Concern, European Bison, White Stork and Bielik Eagle (Poland)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Least Concern, and Least Concern, Arabian Oryx (Qatar)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, African Leopard (Rwanda)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Vervet Monkey (Saint Kitts and Nevis)IUCN Status: Least Concern, St Vincent Parrot (Saint Vincent and Grenadines)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Arabian Camel (Saudi Arabia)IUCN Status: NA, Striped Dolphin (Seychelles)IUCN Status: NA, Leopard (Somalia)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Springbok (South Africa)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Tiger (South Korea)IUCN Status: Endangered, African Fish Eagle (South Sudan)IUCN Status: Least Concern, The Royal Lion (Sri Lanka)IUCN Status: Vulnerable, Thomson’s Gazelle (Swaziland)IUCN Status: Near Threatened, Dalecarlian Horse (Sweden)Mythological Creature, Formosan Black Bear (Taiwan)IUCN Status: Endangered, Giraffe (Tanzania)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Thai Elephant (Thailand)IUCN Status: Endangered, Rufous-vented Chachalaca and Scarlet Ibis (Trinidad and Tobago) IUCN Status: Least Concern, Gray Wolf (Turkey)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Grey Crowned Crane (Uganda)IUCN Status: Endangered, Peregrine Falcon (United Arab Emirates)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Bald Eagle (United States of America)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Rufous Hornero (Uruguay)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Venezuelan Troupial (Venezuela)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Dragon, Water Buffalo and Tiger (Vietnam)IUCN Status: Mythological Creature, NA, and Endangered, Welsh Dragon (Wales)Mythological Creature, African Fish Eagle (Zambia)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Sable Antelope (Zimbabwe)IUCN Status: Least Concern, Kouprey (Cambodia) IUCN Status: Critically Endangered.
Georgian Stock Exchange Georgian Stock Exchange (GSE) is the only functioning organized securities market in Georgia.
Animals in Georgia Georgia is located on the eastern banks of the Black Sea and borders the Greater Caucasus Mountains, giving the country a diverse landscape that supports a multitude of wildlife. In addition to a uniform, anthem and a flag every country also has a national animal to represent itself. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The national animal is a symbol used by these countries to represent a unifying image of the nation in front of the world. Let's know the national animals of various countries. First domesticated by the Ancient Egyptians! Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Avocet. National Bank of Georgia Georgia's Central Bank.

Often, they have a unique adaptation that allows them to take on these challenges.The animals on this list are considered tough for a variety of reasons – from how well they can defend themselves against larger […] Read More.

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