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[4], The Fleet Review is an irregular tradition of assembling the fleet before the monarch. During the age of sail, ships' officers were always worried about mutiny and it therefore became custom that whenever an officer approached, the rating would prove that he was not armed. Nicknames for the service include The Andrew or Andrew Miller (of uncertain origin, possibly after a zealous press ganger)[6][7] and the Senior Service. Halls to-day are all “Nobbies,” but two decades ago every Hall was a “Blinker,” in commemoration of one Blinker Hall (a naval captain) who was afflicted with a most embarrasssing habit of blinking and, believe it or not,  time was, when every Barker was a “Bill” To-day “Bill” is promoted to “Colonel” as a testimony to the amount of public interest shown in a great Court drama some years ago, the central figure of which was a female who for years had masqueraded as a man — and a colonel at that! Alec Guinness. but, in the main, however, nick­names are derived from celebrities — and this, brazenly irres­pective of gender. When alongside, the Union Jack is flown from the jackstaff at the bow, but can only be flown under way on special circumstances, i.e. Hooky Walker is believed by many to be a seafaring celebrity with a hook for an arm. They used to be 'eke-names' - 'eke' meaning to add something to, and from that became either 'neke' 'nicke' ' nyck' or 'nic' names. Not infrequently one hears the quaint misnomer type of nickname which bears testimony to Jack’s ironic sense of humour. If a Derek Tilly entered the Navy he would promptly be assigned the more ornamental tally of Vesta; while a man called Garbo (or even Garber) must be stoically prepared to be accepted as Greta; again, the most bewhiskered he-man afloat whose name happens lo be Temple must prepare to recognise himself in future as nothing more virile than Shirley. Conversely, an ardent Salvationist called Todd, be he ever so saintly, must meekly accept the shady correlative of “Sweeney.” Sylvester Turpin may be the mirror of all truth and honesty, but his shipmates will warmly acclaim him as “Dick” (just the same as they greet every Sheppard as “Jack” and every King as “Tom”), and that  charitable and deeply-devout young coder, so popular with all his shipmates, Damien Wesley Peace, is doomed to be hailed as “Charlie” as long as he ploughs the briny. The repetition failed to satisfy him so he sent a further signal to the captain of the offending ship, this time an ultimatum — to proceed outside and return once more, and if the evolution was not this time performed satisfactorily, he (the Admiral) would have his flagship take the erring ship in tow — a derisive spectacle for every ship in the fleet. Blinker Hall was quite young when the Navy christened him Blinker — but he was still Blinker when he finished as an admiral.- A chief gunner’s mate, whose mouth after much oratory became very liquefied, was duly nominated  “Squegee”;  a P.O. The Royal Navy uses a number of unique ceremonies which often have their origins in the days of sail. In June 2013 the Tuesday and Saturday toasts were officially changed under orders from the Second Sea Lord, Vice-Admiral David Steel, to reflect the fact that women have been at sea in the Royal Navy for nearly two decades. The Navy List may regally be headed by Admiral of the Fleet Sir Felix Montague St. Finbar de Sales Murphy, but the Lower Deck will acknowledge him only as “Spud’’ simply that and nothing more. Euchre involves nominated partners, is played only with the nine card and higher, apart from the two of spades - called the "Benny" - (making 25 cards in all) and uses the eight and seven cards as a score board.

The following' are the best-known double-barreled nick­names and may be accepted as the stereotyped category: Darby Allen, Nobby Clarke, Wiggie Bennett, Pony -More, Dusty Miller, Dodger Long, Jerry Driscol,l Slinger Woods, Daisy Bell, Jerry Lake, Hookey Walker, Billy Williams, Jack Doyle, Sexton Blake, Charlie Mitchell, Pincher Martin,  Steve Donoghue, Cutts Kennedy, Brigham Young.

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