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The security forces had to intervene to, 29.

The wood is treated with preservative to, 11. The soldiers barricaded the streets to, 24. The most direct financial incentive to, 18. The organization was awarded for its efforts to, The lungs permit a rapid exchange of oxygen and, The federal government is proposing to add a number of substances to a hotlist that will, Local gentry and charitable organisations provided relief but could do little to, Maher not only cut off his hands, but battered Johnstone's face hoping to, Those who ran away would be whipped and returned to their masters, with some masters shackling them to, For herd immunity to occur, the vaccine must, The SDG polymer complex can significantly, Boiling the wort ensures its sterility, helping to, It would have held a battery of guns and an accompanying garrison, designed to, It comprises a tall, circular gun tower and an adjacent gun platform, and was designed to, Experimentally grafting PMCs into heterotopic tissue does not, The White House has been engaged in a full court press to, The uninsulated water pipes must be installed below the frost line to, Since free-roaming cats may come into the yard, any sandboxes should be covered when not in use to, A lighthouse is the classic example of a public good because it is difficult to, It is important to use flux when soldering or oxides on the metal will, If you place default elsewhere, then a break will be required to, Transport facilities in Bangkok are not sufficient to, When this tyranny was ended, the Athenians founded the world's first democracy as a radical solution to, In the late 1980s and early 1990s, enviros cooked up a scheme to, In the event of an emergency, safety valves can be used to, Happily this situation can be helped to a great extent by the use of grids called egg crates, which, It was therefore believed the WRU did not suspended or punish Merthyr Alexandria to.

3. Vitamin K helps to prevent and fight osteoporosis. Early identification of a disease can, 28. Keep drinking ample water during your detox to prevent dehydration. The most important objective of sex education is to make students aware of Sexually Transmitted diseases and to prevent them from occurring. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Prevent" in Example Sentences Page 1. Netting hangs over the balcony to prevent pigeons from flying in. Prevent definition is - to keep from happening or existing. There is a row of spikes on top of the prison wall to, 1. That will prevent an accidental start while working on the engine. Synonym Discussion of prevent. He who can suppress a moment's anger may prevent a day of sorrow. She is deaf, but refuses to let her disability, 12. Some people think drinking in moderation can, 14. To prevent indigestion during pregnancy, take smaller and frequent meals and drink plenty of water to facilitate early digestion. Trees prevent soil erosion and the fertility of the soil is retained. The police are increasing their efforts to, 24. It's difficult to see prevent in a sentence . Special seals, which fit over the cutter opening when it is out of the flow, Dishwasher salt is sodium chloride and is used to, He was replaced by Graeme Souness but the change of manager was not enough to, I don't know of it works on defunkifying fridges, but I've used it to, I take care to dash the character with such particular circumstance as may, When using reduction forceps, care must be taken to, The argument grew heated and teammates grabbed the pair to, Wash colored items separately from whites and darks to, In the present study, we used a device to physically separate infected and uninfected nymphs to, The probe is constructed from plastic-clad silica fiber with an FPA Teflon jacket to, The sole object of his chattiness at table was to, It is now housed in Hereford Cathedral in the largest surviving chained library, a library in which the books are chained so as to, The ultimate objective of the Convention is to, Place a break statement at the end of every case to, President Kennedy imposed a naval blockade on Cuba to, The trough is not fastened to the arches, but lugs are cast into the plates to fit over the rib arches to, The prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, then, also stopped giving speeches in Hokkien to, Bolt rope, a rope sewed to the edges of a sail to strengthen them and, The blipvert condenses 30 seconds of advertising to 3 seconds in order to, While death rates remained high there was no question as to the need for children, even if the means to, As the fish ascends, the pressure in the swimbladder must adjust to, In ancient Greece, olive oil was used during massage, to, This chain, which floated on logs, was strong enough to, Sodium nitrite is a preservative used in lunch meats, hams, sausages, hot dogs, and bacon to, Government guarantees and Federal Reserve banking regulations to, During the sinking of the last 150 feet, a pilot-hole was kept in advance, so as to, It is then cut into small cubes, coated with clay powder to, The tension culminated in an international airlift agreed to by Senegal and Mauritania under international pressure to, Such competition can take the form of fighting other males or of herding females to, Both are credited with decreasing epidemics of cholera in their towns by implementing measures to, The platen must have rounded edges and corners to, Techniques like hand washing, wearing gowns, and wearing face masks can help, Understanding these steps helps health care workers target the infection and, They were only gradually allowed in other cities, so as to, An American chemist has stated the pleiomeric chemicals in onions have the potential to alleviate or, Rainfall in this giant desert has to overcome the physical and atmospheric barriers that normally, Unlike AONBs, national parks have special legal powers to, Usually missi were selected from outside their respective regions in order to, Ambrose went to the church where the election was to take place, to, In other cases, social, technical or administrative issues, The cars were parked as avoidably as possible, but it didn't, Ms. Amero and her supporters said the computer lacked a firewall or antispyware protections to, The 5-nitroimidazole molecules are very potent anaerobicidal agents commonly used to treat or, The shoes have little nubs on the bottom that, He considers that everyone has the right to use any means necessary to, Some pacifists and multilateralists are in favor of international criminal law as means to, Members of the Socialist Workers Party disrupted negotiations between BA management and Unite to, In either case the star's temperature is no longer high enough to, Even after a girl has sex, it's not too late to, It will be specifically examining whether the banks have complied with their obligation to, If a business is covered by these regulations then controls are put in place to, These plants are often processed after harvest to preserve or improve nutrient value and, Globally, the International Monetary Fund can take certain steps to intervene to, Such projects could for example concern preserving water quality, sustainable land management, planting trees to, This is done to preserve the autonomy of the Welsh Assembly, and to, Battery charging is controlled by four independent systems to, Shocks are mounted vertically or horizontally to, Stabilization policy attempts to stimulate an economy out of recession or constrain the money supply to, They replaced the gold coin in circulation to, Reports of anosmia were also observed in the 1930s when zinc preparations were used in a failed attempt to, Before the cow is released from the milking stalls her teats are disinfected one last time to, A Russian army of 10,000 landed on the Bosphorus shores in 1833 and helped to, Chelated zinc is used in toothpastes and mouthwashes to, The British prime minister, the Duke of Newcastle, was optimistic that the new series of alliances could, It has been claimed that this includes the power to, The Speaker's Certificate would not be enough to, Political economy theory regards constitutions as coordination devices that help citizens to, Rope of this type must be bound at its ends by some means to, Theoretically, this dilution of authority would, If the motion is passed, its effect is to, It is also used in the cooling of machinery to, The crew blocked the opening from inside and the watertight compartments were used to, For example, a stone may have too much weight, but require sweeping to, Numerous factions among the nobility used the Golden Liberties to, The tree is the source of spruce beer, which was once used to, The images of crowds of militant miners attempting to, In September 2002, Spiteri gave birth to her daughter, Misty Kyd, although motherhood did not, Fail Safe Commission recommended installing devices to, A light coating of kaolin, which forms a physical barrier to some pests, also may help, On 22 February, the bridge was demolished to, In 1941, experiments with the intent of discovering means to, Aircraft serving in the Far East during World War II had the red disc removed to, These are removed from circulation primarily to, Two major terrorist attacks took place during the election campaign, with parties arguing about the best way to, The reason for these wide roads to was to, All of the subspecies are present in captivity, but a lack of suitable habitats and government efforts, The peacetime British army had been deliberately kept small since the Glorious Revolution to, During prolonged dry periods the foliage is dropped to conserve water and, Spring cleaning is connected with the birth of cubs, and may occur several times during the summer to, It also decreases the duration of migration, which may, Abstention or absence from the vote by a permanent member does not, The army had been kept deliberately small since 1688 to, Word of the first expedition did not reach Scotland in time to, Squirrels sometimes use deceptive behavior to, The League members, however, would not intervene in the Spanish Civil War nor, It established camps in Turkey in 1922 to aid the country with an ongoing refugee crisis, helping to, They then burned the body twice more, to reduce it to ashes and, The onset of the Second World War showed that the League had failed its primary purpose, which was to, However, his decision to exclude her did not, A horse's fitness plan must be coordinated properly in order to, Funding for clubs will be tiered in both leagues to, Robert, with between 5,500 and 6,500 troops, predominantly spearmen, prepared to, Despite the support of Pope Eugenius III, supporters of King Stephen and William FitzHerbert managed to, The fortifications on the coast of Cumbria, which were erected later, were intended to, Kits are available for home trampolines that provide a retaining net around the trampoline and, Mexico attempted to create a buffer zone at the border that would, Harsh exchange control regulations were introduced to, For instance, the Turkana people of northwest Kenya use fire to, Grazing herds on savannas can ensure the biodiversity of the savannas and, Customs and Border Protection personnel to, Where soil is not destroyed by erosion, erosion can in some cases, At the same time the salvage firm erected fences on the beach to, China, in October 2006, is also building a security barrier along its border with North Korea to, This is to avoid resource competition, as two individuals of the same species would occupy the same niche, and to, The zones function as buffer zones specifically monitored by border patrols in order to, Aircraft safety depends upon continuous access to accurate weather radar information that is used to, Such border controls appear to be an attempt to, The bowling side is subjected to fielding restrictions during an ODI, in order to, In many competitive events there is a minimum weight set for the coxswain to, They usually have a fin towards the rear, to help, The rowing boats require oars on both sides to, Murdoch states that the law and the independent board, Close patrol of hostile ports, in order to, While most blockades historically took place at sea, blockade is still used on land to, In 1826, there was outrage in Scotland at the attempt of Parliament to, In the hours following the liberation, members of the British liberating forces were obliged to intervene to, Nevertheless, church spires and other stone buildings throughout the area were damaged or destroyed to, However an increase in the bench of bishops was not considered politically expedient, and so steps were undertaken to, In these cases, state religions are widely seen as efforts by the state to, The salt will be dissolved by the sweating of the hay, and will, Captain Higgins moused the hook with a bit of marline to, On 24 June, an agreement was reached between Formula One's governing body and the teams to, The primary purpose of the flight is to produce drag and thus, Since boxing involves forceful, repetitive punching, precautions must be taken to, Referees also ensure that the boxers don't use holding tactics to, On 7 July, several cars were set on fire and street barricades were erected to, In Thailand, libraries called ho trai were built throughout the country, usually on stilts above a pond to, However, this service is no longer profitable and has led to a series of restructures to try to, They play a couple whose son is kidnapped to, The two comics spent the episode pointing him in the direction of everywhere except the stage to, Without conferring with his British ministers, George stationed them in Hanover to, He purchased patents from the monarchy to be the sole composer of operas for the French king and to, The film outraged Christie's heirs who fought two unsuccessful lawsuits in the United States to try to, During the Dunkirk battle, the Luftwaffe did its best to, The British intended to sink obsolete ships in the canal entrance, to, Natural justice is a pledge of reciprocal benefit, to, Having thus fixed the correct reading, the Masorets determined to, So Europe is constantly looking for some collective actions to, The survey authors conclude that efforts to, A precautionary approach was adopted to seek to, In response a Cornish carpenter built an enormous but easily transportable Round Table to, Wace says Arthur created the Round Table to, Building a castle on a rock outcrop or surrounding it with a wide, deep moat helped, Below them were archers and bowmen, whose role was to, Stone forts such as these served as defensive residences, as well as imposing structures to, It is in a glass case and filled with concrete to, Instead, they designed defensive minefields to, It was designed to cleanse an existing generation as well as, William had not chosen a side and maintained his right to, However, the British did not want India to be partitioned, and in one last effort to, One woman, named Roma, suggested that the women burn the ships out at sea to, So is it not prudent to install metal detectors in airports to try to, The electrodes are housed in an insulated or plastic box to, When mutations occur, they may alter the product of a gene, or, These CD4 T cell-related variables were associated with ethnicity and were excluded from the initial model, to, Pretensioners preemptively tighten the belt to, It appears that in cold winters wood work stopped and partly completed timber work was buried in mud to, Archaeologists and conservators had to work in tandem from the start to, The spacing of the rollers has to be slightly greater than the fiber length to, Vespasian immediately embarked on a series of efforts to stay in power and, Another of his eccentricities is that he chained his mug to the radiator pipes to, The opening hours of licensed premises are restricted to, Creating buffer zones near farms and roads is another possible way to, Thus, free market capitalism desires government regulation of markets to, Hardwick believes new prison officers cannot be trained and become effective in time to, There is concern that not enough is being done to, Members declare their financial interests in order to, In order to remain neutral, the Speaker generally refrains from making speeches, although there is nothing to, It is said that the original purpose of this was to, Targets for improving care outside hospital to, The more uneven the bottom, the more robust the footrope configuration must be to, Flamingos are capable flyers and flamingos in captivity often require wing clipping to, It is used to preserve the mechanical integrity of the engine, to stop parts overheating and to, There are also unsaturated fats in their membranes which, However, as with the attacks in the south, the Germans failed to, Churchill opposed the Soviet domination of Poland and wrote bitterly about it in his books, but was unable to, The wall may have succeeded in slowing down and moderating the height of the tsunami, but it did not. Please try to prevent any loss of goods on the way.

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