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One group wanted a new city built on the ruins using the fashionable art deco architecture of the 1920s.

It was still standing while almost everything eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'historylearningsite_co_uk-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_19',116,'0','0'])); The rebuilding of the Cloth Hall started in 1920 and took until 1962. people wanting to visit the Ypres Salient battlefields. These visitors were travelling to the battlefields of google_ad_client = "pub-8169839591209017";

In July 1919 the British government succeeded in getting agreement from the Belgian government to create a “Zone of Silence” in the area of the destroyed Cloth Hall, belfry and St. Martin's cathedral. "https://ssl."

The relative vulnerability of the Entente position meant that this sector of the front was characterised by incessant trench warfare. Many Canadians visiting this West Flanders city where so many of their forebears fought and died in that war marvel at the magnificent Cloth Hall in the Grand Market Square. Touring the historic Battlefields, Trenches and Cemeteries of WW1 - Ypres (Ieper),